I ran my latest long run two Saturdays ago. Since I really hadn't completed 18 miles running, I decided if I made it to 18 miles this time without problems, I would consider going for 21 miles (distance per training schedule) depending on how I felt. Well...18 were more than enough that morning which started with a wake up buzz at 2am and by 3am we were already on the road. It was a windy morning which is quite unusual for that time of day. All bars and clubs in Condado were still packed with people after looping the lagoon twice. At around mile 14, I separated from my group and went back to our starting point (pictured above) and finished the last 2 miles circling the Ocean Park track. My right knee held up quite nicely but my body was beat up. A post-run dip in the beach made things a bit better.
Had a therapy, exercise and stretching session early last week, and got in both my mid week runs. Ran a tempo 6-mile run with 1-minute intervals of 8:30 pace followed by 2 minutes at 10:30 pace. Yesterday ran a 5K along Ramirez de Arellano Avenue in Guaynabo benefiting Team Jochi. Jochi García is a teenage triathlete who is helping raise cancer awareness through his racing and training. His father is a cancer survivor. More than 100 runners and walkers came out to support him and take part of the event. Clocked 28'09" matching my best time for a 5K but this route has more hills and is generally more difficult. Afterwards, I ran an additional 3 miles at an easy pace with a couple of friends.
My fundraising efforts have continued and I have surpassed the halfway point to my goal of $990. Thanks to all that have taken the time (and $$$) to support the cause. If you wish to contribute to Team LIVESTRONG benefiting the Lance Armstrong Foundation, you can do so at my personal fundraising page:
The Chicago Marathon LIVESTRONG team is more than 150 runners deep and has a fundraising goal of $150,000. So far, we've surpassed the $100,000 mark, and are looking forward to reaching our goal.
If you or someone you care about are dealing with a cancer diagnosis, know that the Lance Armstrong Foundation offers free, confidential, one-on-one support to anyone affected by cancer. Call 866.673.7205 or fill out the online intake form at:
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